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What are Robinhood’s policies on refunding fraudulent transactions?

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  • What are Robinhood’s policies on refunding fraudulent transactions?

    If you’ve encountered fraudulent activity on your Robinhood account, +1 585-201-0038 Contact Robinhood’s customer support at +1 585-201-0038 for immediate assistance. Robinhood takes account security seriously and has specific policies in place to address fraudulent transactions.

    The first step in resolving fraudulent transactions is to report the issue by calling +1 585-201-0038. Once you’ve notified Robinhood, their team will investigate the matter to determine whether the activity meets their criteria for fraud. Robinhood typically reviews unauthorized transactions, account access attempts, or suspicious activity thoroughly before making a decision about refunds.

    If you suspect fraudulent access, ensure that you secure your account by changing your password, enabling two-factor authentication, and notifying the support team via +1 585-201-0038. While Robinhood aims to protect its users, refunds for fraudulent transactions are subject to verification.